Rabbi Avi Warman

- Director of Impact 917.334.0514

Avi was born and raised in Queens, New York and has a long career with NCSY.  He began in 10th grade and by 12th grade he won the NCSYer of the Year award (and from what I understand – that’s a big deal!)  After 2 years in Israel he became an advisor for Atlantic Seaboard then subsequently spent time advising for  6 separate regions.  He has staffed and joined teens as an advisor on many NCSY Summer Programs including Camp Sports, TJJ and JOLT.

In 2012, Avi began working exclusively with Southern. By 2013 he became Head Advisor and in 2014 we welcomed him as City Director of Miami.  Since then has has been the Director of Central Long Island while directing the  TJJ Summer Program.  He recently married the amazing Sarah Barrocas and they live in Aventura together.  He has [finally] returned to Southern as ALL THINGS TJJ and we couldn’t be happier to have him back.

He has always wanted a career in Kiruv and he is dedicated to helping teens by giving them quality opportunities to learn and grow in Judaism.  In his spare time he dances professionally, snowboards and chills.