Day 1 Recap:
Southern NCSY Takes Yarchei Kallah! Day 1! 

The 1st day kicked off with a lively welcome party setting a positive tone for the entire event. 

The teens jumped right into learning sessions with NCSY senior educators. 

The topic was about understanding what it means to achieve the essence and the power of one. The Jewish people are one nation and collectively make up the power of one. 

We had dinner and ended the day with a candy bar!
Day 2 Recap:
The teens enjoyed a speical guest appearance by world-renowned singer @iamshulem! Brining an extra layer of inspiration and joy to the event! 

Participants had the privilege of choosing from a variety of special activities, including challah-making, basketball, and even engaging in friendly ping pong matches against an Olympian. 

The day continued with the enlightening presence of @rabbiyyjacobson Rabbi YY Jacobson, offering profound insights and adding depth to the learning experience.
The day concluded with a significant milestone — the completion of Sefer Bareshies. The collective effort and dedication were celebrated with a Siyum, marking the end of this portion of the learning journey.