Southern NCSY’s Israel Political Advocacy program trains teenagers all over the country, but primarily in South Florida, to advocate for Israel with members of Congress, the Senate and in the White House. Besides the value to Israel and giving them an outlook to express their Zionism, it empowers them and gives them the confidence to make a difference.
Join the Director of NCSY's Israel Political Advocacy Program, Rabbi Uri Pilichowski, for a weekly briefing where we discuss the hottest topics happening in Israel. Participants need no prior knowledge in order to attend and are encouraged to ask any questions that might be on their mind.
Students meet with legislators from both sides of the aisle to advocate for a strong US-Israel relationship. Students attend meetings over zoom, at parlor meetings hosted by community leaders, join lobbying road trips and trips to Washington for a day on the hill.
Largest teen delegation to the annual AIPAC Policy Conference. Join 20,000 Pro-Israel advocates on the NCSY delegation to learn from experts of all fields and lobby members of Congress, the Senate and the Presidential Administration for a strong US-Israel relationship.
Join over 2000 students in Israel for an impactful summer experiencing Israel in depth. Choose from a variety of programs and experience the summer of a lifetime. Speak to your local director to find out which program is right for you.