Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore


May 31- June 2, 2024








The cost of the event is $349. Participants who register and put down a deposit of $100 by Wednesday, May 8th can take advantage of our early bird discounted price of $249.

*Regional Board Members, JSU/Board Presidents and TJJ Alumni are eligible for a $50 credit towards the Shabbaton.* The Early Bird Price is only valid for 3 days, from Monday May 6th- Wednesday May 8th. On May 9th the price increases to $349.

Please note: Limited space available and subject to approval by the Regional Administration. All applicants must be pre-screened by their city director. All registrations will be waitlisted until approval.


Click here to login into your 'myncsy" account to pay. If you forgot your login you can look up the event on the bottom left side of the window. If you need help with processing your payment please contact muschels@ncsy.org

All outstanding NCSY balances MUST be cleared in order to qualify for participation at Spring Regional. If you have any outstanding balances from past events, someone from the Regional Administration will contact you and provide the necessary payment links.

Cancellations made by May 17st will be fully refunded. Cancellation made before May 21st will be eligible for a 50% refund. Cancellations made after May 21st will not be eligible for a refund.


All participants must complete and submit the general OU liability waiver (in your MYNCSY account).


Guys: Tefillin, tzitzit, kippah

Friday: Comfortable clothing and sneakers for walking around


Ladies: Nice skirt and top or dress

Guys: Dress shirt and slacks



Ladies: Black tie dress- Modest gowns

Guys: Tuxedos or black tie


-pillow or blanket for comfort if you want





Palm Beach

Departure time: 7:15 am

Leaving from Skylake Synagogue

1850 NE 183rd St

North Miami Beach

Departure time: 7:30 am

Leaving from the Winn Dixie parking lot

3850 N. 46th Ave.


Departure time: 8:30 am

Leaving from the Walmart parking lot

3200 Old Boynton Road

Boynton Beach

Boca Raton

Departure time - 7:30 am

Leaving The Fountains Center (NCSY Offices)

7200 W. Camino Real

Boca Raton

Greater South

For more information, please contact your city directors:

Savannah/Charleston: Eli Lob (912) 429-2836, lobe@ncsy.org

Orlando: Daniel Nabatian (516) 426-8484, nabatiand@ncsy.org

Jacksonville: Joey Hamaoui (305)-764-7212, hamouij@ncsy.org

Charleston: Rabbi Sholom Mimran (843) 609-2050, mimrans@ncsy.org

Charlotte: Nancy Alexander (804) 873-3090, alexandern@ncsy.org

All other inquiries: Manya Wasserman , wassermanm@ncsy.org

*All bus times are subject to change*


NCSY and the Orthodox Union strive to create an environment in which NCSY participants and NCSY adults can interact in a safe, appropriate, and halakhic (Jewish law) environment. Everyone actively involved with NCSY anywhere in the world is expected to contribute positively to this atmosphere. If you have been made to feel uncomfortable or treated inappropriately, please call the OU’s outside hotline (866-57THEOU [8-4368]) or OU’s General Counsel (“GC”) (at 646.689.2104 or simsr@ou.org) to report your suspicions and seek guidance as to the reporting rule in that state.

Our top priority is the health and safety of your children. Our goal is to run successful, inspirational and impactful programs in a structured environment with clear rules, policies and guidelines in place and enforced. We know that you are entrusting us with your children for the duration of the event and we take that responsibility extremely seriously.

As such, there will be ZERO tolerance for:

* Violence, depending on the seriousness of the act, may result in referral to law enforcement authorities.

*Bullying, hazing, harassment, sexual abuse or assault will be grounds for dismissal and may result in expulsion from all future NCSY events.

* Foul, obscene or profane language of any sort (verbal, written or electronic) is unacceptable.

* Smoking or vaping at an NCSY event may be grounds for immediate dismissal from the event at the earliest practical time.

* Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages at an NCSY event is grounds for immediate dismissal from the event at the earliest practical time, and may be subject to further disciplinary action at the discretion of the Regional Director in consultation with the National Youth Commission.

* Possession and/or use of illegal drugs and controlled substances at an NCSY event is grounds for immediate dismissal from the event at the earliest practical time, and may be subject to further disciplinary action at the discretion of the Regional Director in consultation with the National Youth Commission.

* Bringing illegal weapons (such as guns, switchblades, sharpened box cutters, sharpened screwdrivers, etc.) to an event will result in confiscation of the weapons, expulsion from the event at the earliest practical time, and may also be referred to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Parental Responsibilities:

In the interest of protecting NCSY participants, parents are expected to disclose to the lead NCSY Adult overseeing an NCSY event, any medical, physical, or psychological condition. This includes alerting the NCSY Adult concerning medications, allergies, special accommodations and special dietary needs. Parents must also provide an available emergency contact in advance of the event.

Should a situation arise over the course of an event when the lead NCSY Adult is concerned regarding a teen’s physical, psychological, or emotional well-being, or that it is revealed that medical or other relevant information was not disclosed on the waiver and/or medical form, standard procedure is to send the teen home at the parents’ expense and without a refund.

In addition, there are other occasions when a teen would be sent home at the parents’ expense and without a refund, which occur when the teen has violated NCSY policy.


In order to be qualified to attend a NCSY program, a teen who is currently taking any sort of medication should be able to administer it on his/her own and must bring only the appropriate amount needed during the program. All this information must be disclosed on medical forms that will only be seen by designated supervisory personnel and will be kept private.

As part of the registration the participant and the parents of the participant acknowledged reading and agreed to abide by the above rules and regulations.


By joining the Shabbaton, you agree that the Orthodox Union and NCSY/JSU assumes NO responsibility for, and shall not be responsible or liable for, loss, damage or theft of personal luggage and/or any personal items over the course of the Shabbaton, including without limitation, on the bus, at the hotel or any activity venue.  You understand that you should NOT bring with you expensive items, items of high sentimental or meaningful value, or items that cannot be replaced.


  1. The 411: What, Who, When and Where? There will be close to 200 NCSY’ers representing the cities that make up Southern Region. Shabbaton will begin Friday 31st and end Sunday, June 2nd, 2024. This year, Spring Regional will be at the Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore in Tampa.
  2. Who is the Southern NCSY Spring Regional staff? Get to know our staff members: https://southern.ncsy.org/staff/
  1. How much does it cost and what does that include? The cost is $175. Participants who register by April 15th, 2023 can take advantage of our early bird discounted price of $150.
  2. When is payment due? An initial deposit of $75 is due at registration to hold your spot. On Monday, April 15, 2023 a total deposit of $100 will be due to continue to hold your spot. On Friday, May 5, 2023 your full payment* is due to continue to hold your spot. *Your full payment amount depends on your date of registration. If registered before April 15, 2023, taking advantage of the Early Bird Special, your full payment is $150. If registered after April 14, 2023 your full payment is $175.
  3. Are Scholarships Available? Yes! We really want to help you . Siblings are eligible for a $50 discount per teen. You can also redeem your NCSY Elite or JSU Level Up credits in either $25, $50, or $75 credit levels.
  4. What are all the dates that I need to remember?

April 14, 2023 – Last day for Early bird registration with $75 deposit due

April 15, 2023– Deposit increases to $100 to hold your spot

May 5, 2023 - Must be paid in full to hold your spot

  1. How do I register for Spring Regional? The first thing you must do before you are able to register is to create a MYNCSY account. Go to southern.ncsy.org and click on REGISTER. Please note that there are two different account types. FOR PARENTS: As a parent, you have the ability to control your teens registration. To do this, please select that you would like to create a parent account. Then you can enroll your teen(s) and then register them for events. FOR TEENS: As a teen, you are able to create your own account and you can register yourself for events.
  2. Do I have to fill out all of the information in my registration profile? Yes. It is very important that you fill out all of the information in your profile. We really must have your medical information on file including Insurance Carrier, Group # and Pediatrician name and phone number.
  3. What if I am having trouble registering? Who can I contact if I can’t log in to my account? Contact Manya Wasserman at wassermanm@ncsy.org.
  4. Can I register without making any payments? You are more than welcome to register without making a deposit, however, a $100 deposit is due to hold your spot. A lot of people will be registering and we will only be able to accommodate those who have made payments according to the payment timeline.
  5. What medical information is necessary? It is very important that we have basic information like Health Insurance Company, Policy or Group Number, Pediatrician Name and Phone number, any allergies or medications that will be take on the Shabbaton.
  6. What if I need to cancel? Cancellations made by May 15st will be fully refunded. Cancellations made after May 21st will not be eligible to a refund.
  1. What is the bus information and times of Departure & Arrival? Please see above. Greater South: TBA (Please refer to our website which will be updated as we near the date of the event and will continue to be updated on a regular basis.)
  2. How do I select which bus I would like to be on? When you register, please select the bus you would like to go on. The City that you choose to depart from should be the same that you return to. Bus spots will be available on a first come first serve basis.
  3. What can I do/bring to make the bus ride more comfortable? You can bring a light blanket, your pillow, something to drink and your favorite snacks. Snacks will be provided but it’s always best to bring food that you like (make sure it has a reliable Kosher Certification). See list here
  1. What food is included on the Shabbaton? Teens should eat lunch at home on Friday afternoon or pack lunch for the bus. From Friday night through Sunday morning brunch, all meals will be provided by NCSY.
  2. What if I have special dietary needs? We are equipped to accommodate special dietary needs such as allergies, gluten free and vegetarian. If you require a special diet please make sure you indicate this is in the medical notes section of the convention online application.
  3. What are reliable food certifications? Please see this list of Reliable Kosher Certifications.
  1. What are the sleeping arrangements at Spring Regional? Boys and girls will sleep separately in spacious, beautiful hotel rooms.
  2. Can I request who I want to room with? Yes, you can. When you register, you can make your rooming requests.
  3. How many people per room? Due to OU safety guidelines we will be limiting the occupancy to 4 teens per room.
  4. Can I be placed with everyone I request? We will do our best to accommodate rooming requests but we can not guarantee that you will be placed with all of your requested roommates.
  5. What if I don’t have anyone to request as a roommate? There are a lot of wonderful teens on the Shabbaton and our coordinators will put you with a great group allowing you meet some new people.
  6. What do I have to bring to this Shabbaton? Please see the packing list provided above.